Embedded Programming | Internet of Things

CoFight - an COVID-19 Wristband IoT Device

Cofight Highlight This project was part of the Faith International Competition by the Faculty of Industrial Technology Petra Christian University in 2021 where my team won 2nd place in the electrical engineering category.


The competition’s challenge is to design a product based on the Internet of Things (IoT), which could optimize the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol. As the number of COVID-19 patients increased day by day, the hospital facilities were overloaded and couldn't accommodate all of the patients. Hence, the hospital prioritized the patients with the most urgency, and the rest had did self-isolation. However, the patients who do self-isolation must also be monitored daily by health workers. This was also one of the problems because the number of health workers was limited and had tight schedules. In light of this, our team proposed an idea to create a system for monitoring the patient's health namely CoFight (COVID-19 Fight). The patients will use a wristband IoT device for monitoring their oxygen rate and heartbeat, which then the data could be seen through website interface. As the team leader, I was responsible for managing my team's schedules and the weekly meetings. I also created the prototype of the system, including the wristband device software and the hardware, the website for the user interface as well as the back end. To meet the submission deadline, I was supported by two members from Mechanical Engineering and Architecture Engineering. Together, we collaborated to make the video, presentation, and poster used to submit our work.

System Architecture

Our system architecture consisted of three main parts, including the wristband, the server, and the web user interface application. The wristband will be connected to the internet and periodically send the patient's oxygen and heartbeat through the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Technical Committee) to the server. The hospital or health worker, as well as the family, can monitor the patients through the browser on their mobile phone or desktop.

Cofight diagram

Inside, the wristband device consisted of a main board and a charging board. The main board included the microcontroller (ESP8266), the oxygen and heartbeat sensor (MAX30102), the OLED display, and two buttons, one for the emergency button and the other for turning on the device. The ESP8266 also has a Wi-Fi communication feature, which connects to the nearby Wi-Fi and sends data to the server.

charging board
main board


The demo shows the wristband device's operation for sensing the patient's oxygen rate and heartbeat and the website interface for monitoring the patient's data. Please watch the videos below for the system demo:

Contributing Organizations & People

I would like to give big appreciation to my team Felicia Darmanto and Danny Purnama for giving their best work during their tight schedules. Our hard work work paid off by winning second place in the Electrical Engineering Competition. Cofight Highlight
